<Emily Zhang>

I am a second-year PhD student in the Operations Research Center at MIT, co-advised by Georgia Perakis and Retsef Levi. I completed my undergraduate studies at MIT in 2021 with a B.S. in Computer Science and Mathematics. My research focuses on developing new analytical methods with applications to food waste reduction and other related issues.

I am grateful to be supported by a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Fellowship and the Ida M. Green Fellowship.

You can find my CV here.


An Upper and Lower Bound for the Convergence Time of House-Hunting in Temnothorax Ant Colonies
Emily Zhang, Jiajia Zhao, Nancy Lynch.
Journal of Computational Biology 29(4) (2022), 344-357. [pdf]

Extremal Pattern-Avoiding Words
Natalya Ter-Saakov, Emily Zhang.
Preprint 2020. [arxiv]

On the Broadcast Dimension of a Graph
Emily Zhang.
Preprint 2020. [arxiv]

CDFShop: Exploring and Optimizing Learned Index Structures
Ryan Marcus, Emily Zhang, and Tim Kraska.
SIGMOD 2020. [pdf]

Optimization Algorithms Given by Discretizations of the Euler-Lagrange ODE
Rachel Walker, Emily Zhang.
Preprint 2019. [arxiv]


Maximizing the Product of the Elements of a Constrained Multiset
Research project for Math Project Lab. [pdf]

Incremental Voronoi Diagrams
Reading project for Advanced Algorithms course. [pdf]


An Upper and Lower Bound for the Convergence Time of House-Hunting in Temnothorax Ant Colonies
2021 8th workshop on Biological Distributed Algorithms. [slides]

On the Broadcast Dimension of a Graph
2020 AMS Virtual Sectional Meetings. [slides]

Optimization Algorithms Given by Discretizations of the Euler-Lagrange ODE
2019 MIT IEEE Undergraduate Research Technology Conference. [pdf]
2019 Georgia Tech REU Poster Session. [poster]
2019 Young Mathematicians Conference at The Ohio State University. [slides]